Meeting your needs

We can bring leading data centre design to whatever sector you are in. Our data centres are designed to cater for every customers needs.

Other industries

Superior data centre services throughout the Middle East and beyond.


Enjoy a secure, high-performance environment for your critical workloads.


Boost interconnectivity worldwide with our state-of-the-art data centre solutions.


Scale fast, efficiently, to target new markets and grow average revenue per user.


Host software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications close to Middle East markets.


Transform your operations digitally to enhance your reach and competitive edge.

Digital media

Offer exceptional customer experiences in major new growth markets.

Public sector

Deliver more reliable, accessible and cost-effective public services.

Cloud and IT services

Leverage our data centre solutions to support cloud-centric operations.


Gain competitive edge with a digital transformation hosted through Damac Data Centres.


Deliver unbelievable gaming experiences with our state-of-the-art data centres

Accelerate your success

We create facilities fit for the world’s most demanding data centre customers.

Why Damac Data Centres

There is a silent boom in data centre demand on the horizon that will require new data centre capacity and a new model for developing digital infrastructure.

Hussain Sajwani, Chairman and CEO, Damac Data Centres