
Deliver unbelievable gaming experiences with our state-of-the-art data centres

Powering next-level experiences

Low latency is critical for multiplayer games. And when you’re in a market forecast to be worth $19 billion by 2025, you want the best.

We can help you achieve it by locating your data centres close to some of the biggest emerging gaming markets in the world.

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New gaming frontiers

Online gaming comes second only to financial trading in terms of its need for speed. By delivering low-latency, high-performance data centres in new locations around the world, we can help give your gamers the experience of a lifetime.

New markets

We deliver data centres in locations competitors haven’t yet thought of.

Low latency

Our data centre design is optimised to give you minimum delays.

Fibre density

Structured cabling gives you massive connectivity with minimum hassle.

Leading efficiency

Top power usage effectiveness gives you performance without penalty.

Massive scalability

We can give you the space to accommodate the most popular of games.

Cloud ready

If you run a gaming platform, then we have everything you need to scale.

Calling all gaming companies

If you are looking for rapid growth in countries with young populations then you need a data centre partner that can operate anywhere in the world.

We can ensure you get demand caching close to end users, using our data centre location capabilities to give you a competitive advantage.

Talk to us

There is a silent boom in data centre demand on the horizon that will require new data centre capacity and a new model for developing digital infrastructure.

Hussain Sajwani, Damac Data Centres

Raise your game, today

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