Financial services

Gain competitive edge with a digital transformation hosted through Damac Data Centres.

Optimised for regulated market players

In regulated markets such as finance, you need to balance business agility with the need for compliance—and never more so than when it comes to data processing and storage.

At Damac Data Centres, we understand this challenge and can help you overcome it with fully secure and compliant data centre solutions that provide market-leading levels of performance.

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Solutions you can bank on

Complete compliance, continuous uptime, global connections and full security are just some of the hallmarks of our data centre systems.

Faultless compliance

Comply easily with all relevant industry standards, from SOC 2 to PCI.


Secure data with the world’s most advanced physical and cyber protection.


Enjoy five nines uptime backed with industry-leading service level agreements.

Unrivalled performance

Enhance business agility through the secure delivery of digital services.


Maintain business continuity with fully redundant data centre operations.

Multiple connections

Use our multi-diverse, low-latency fibre links to reach new markets.

Calling all regulated businesses

We know your data centre is the heart of your digital business and the key to your future growth. And we understand you have unique requirements that not all data centre companies can fulfil. That is why we offer you a tailor-made environment specifically designed to support tomorrow’s financial services industry requirements. Speak to us now to find out more.

Talk to us

There is a silent boom in data centre demand on the horizon that will require new data centre capacity and a new model for developing digital infrastructure.

Hussain Sajwani, Damac Data Centres

Perform better, faster and smarter

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