Cloud and IT services

Leverage our data centre solutions to support cloud-centric operations.

For cloud service providers and enterprises

We offer unlimited scalability and the ability to co-locate, computing and network nodes so you can deliver first-class cloud services.

Augment your hybrid, private and public cloud offerings with dedicated secure connectivity, supported by a wide range of data centre services.

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Optimised for
the cloud

Cloud services are the key to growth in the digital domain. At Damac Data Centres, we specialise in cloud-native data centre solutions that are designed to support consistently high levels of customer experience.

High performance

Deliver high-quality cloud services with the assurance of leading levels of uptime.

Market focus

Reach high-growth Middle East markets from our facilities in the region.

Massive scalability

Meet any level of demand with data centre systems designed for hyperscale.

Extensive partnerships

Enhance your cloud offering with data centre services from our ecosystem partners.


Enjoy leading levels of efficiency and low power usage effectiveness.


Connect to the world via multi-diverse, low-latency fibre links.

Calling all cloud operators

Damac Data Centres is the data centre provider you are seeking for cloud services across the Middle East and beyond.

Our data centre operations are designed, built and operated with cloud applications in mind, meeting the highest standards of the industry to ensure your services are always on and always secure.

Talk to us

There is a silent boom in data centre demand on the horizon that will require new data centre capacity and a new model for developing digital infrastructure.

Hussain Sajwani, Damac Data Centres

Rise higher

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